Law-Enforcement Personal Statement

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I value the officers that serve and protect the community and it has always been my desire to have a career in the law enforcement profession. As a child, I remember a local police officer that came to my elementary school. His name was Officer Howey. Every year he would discuss a variety of topics, from staying away from strangers to the dangers associated with drugs. I always felt that I was safe and could approach him with any questions or concerns I had. He made such a positive impact on me that I knew I wanted to have a career that served the greater good. Although my career did not start with law enforcement, I sought out different opportunities over the years to work in the public’s interest. I worked for the Department of Defense,…show more content…
I took a distinct interest in the sheriff and police department programs and missions. Their mission statements and every day goals resonated with me. The departments offer a variety of diverse tasks and units in order to accomplish their goals. From the patrol units, marshal units, K-9 units, drug and gang units to positions as a school resource officer. The fact that the different agencies value the growth of their employees through a variety of different units to the continuous training and educational opportunities that they promote really inspired me to want to be part of their organizations. I value the potential for growth and in my findings, this field offers me so many possibilities. However, it wasn’t just in my inquiries that I learned of all the opportunities. I also, had the pleasure of meeting some amazing retired officers recently and they are a true representation of how one can continue to be involved, even after their career ends as a Peace Officer. These individuals volunteer to come back every year to train new recruits in the department’s peace officer academy. I found that intriguing and honorable. I think it would be amazing to be able to continue to shape those that will carry on the mission of serving and protecting the community I live in. The opportunities are…show more content…
Every day will bring something new and interesting situations. However, I realize that being a part of the law enforcement field is not like the TV shows or movies nor do I expect it to be. Some days may contain fender benders, directing traffic or responding to shoplifters, which some may view as insignificant. I believe that these tasks are important to keeping the community a respectable place to reside in. They are like keeping up the maintenance on vehicles. Changing the oil/fluids, rotating the tires, tuning up the engineer and adding gas are all vital to having the car running smoothly. I would be lying if I said, “I don’t look forward to the challenging situations and the day to day changes involved in being an officer.” I also understand with those exciting moments can come some extremely tragic circumstances that I will need to be prepared for. The reality is no matter how big or small the task is being an officer is a vital role in community. I have come in contact with Peace Officers that say, “I can’t believe they pay me to do this”. They look forward to getting up and going to work. The worst days are when they are off and away from the

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