Last Man In Tower Short Story

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MONEY TRIGGERS TO MURDER The word “Money” is suspected to hail from a temple called Juno, on Capitoline, one of the Seven Hills of Rome. Money plays a fantastic role in every human life. Now-a-days money becomes a basic need to life. Money gives an identity to a person. Without money none can save in this world. The eagerness of money leads one to change his/her mind as a dragon. Animals only have sense and our, humans have six sense. The sixth sense of human being is money because animals don’t need of money and they don’t bother about it. But humans, one type of animals, struggles to get a rupee. Money serves as a heartbeat of a person. Money makes one greedy. The status of a person is shown through money. “Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go shopping.” -Bo Derek…show more content…
This novel also shows about bribeness, corruption, selfishness and so on. The story has it’s cite on Mumbai. It shows how India has changing according to globalization and modernization. There is a damaged building in vakola which is called vishram society. There is a two vast damaged building in Santa cruz, East, Mumbai which is named as a Tower A and B. The Tower is raised in late 1970s with seven floor and Tower A is with six floor. This building can also be called as long-lasting. The apartment is very old and it is in damaged condition like paling of paint, dropping of rain water into the ceiling and leaking of pipes and not proper water supply and drainage

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