LF Movement Analysis

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ABSTRACT: This study explores wh-in-situ in CamE within Chomsky’s (1998) Theory of Attraction.Following the ideas presented in previous works on in-situ CamE(Sala 2003, Ndzomo 2013, Epoge 2015 and Fongang 2015), it is shown that the LF movement analysis applies to CamE, with the wh-element moving at LF to check the Q-features carried by COMP. We also argue that both the optional intonational particle naah, which can be inserted in ex-situ and in-situ constructions,and the Q-features in COMP mark the interrogative nature of sentences in CamE, with the sole difference that naah-insertion is associated with the ideas of insistence or supplication. In cases of optional naah-insertion (Epoge 2015), it (naah)is assumed to have no grammatical impact…show more content…
Who Speaks it and Why? Defining the English spoken in Cameroon has been part of the concerns of linguists inside and outside the country. Many of them have tried to not only say what they think should be referred to as Cameroonian English, but also have given an account of who speaks it and why. The problem here is at four different levels: how Cameroonian English should be referred to, what it can be considered to be,those who can be considered its speakers, what has been said on standardisation and intelligibility issues, and what people’s attitude towards it…show more content…
In the early 1990’s, researchers referred to the English spoken in Cameroon as “Standard Cameroon English”. According to Mbangwana (1992), as quoted in Sala (2003), Cameroon English is “English in form, but Cameroonian in content and mood”. This simply means that the English spoken in Cameroon looks like Standard British English, but is shaped by cultural, social and pragmatic realities of the country. Sala (2003) is of the opinion that Cameroonian English should be what is spontaneously and naturally spoken by Anglophone Cameroonians. Ubanako (2008) argues that there are varieties of Cameroonian English, and that Cameroonian English is a “macrocosm of microcosms”. From this, when referring to Cameroonian English, we should bear in mind that, just like native Englishes, there are regional varieties of Cameroonian English, and of course idiolects. Cameroonian English becomes an umbrella under which different variations can be listed. According to SimoBobda and Mbangwana (2008:

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