Knights Vs Samurai Essay

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Like in every country, they way to defend themselves from wars, invasion and etc, is an army. In medieval Europe there were knights and in Medieval Japan there was the Samurai, both were in somewhat similar rank. The Samurai and the Knights both existed around the same time. They had a lot of similarities such as, the use of swords, their code for chivalry, fought with honor for their country, a specific type of armor and both picked from noble families at young age, mostly born in to it. But in similarities, there were also differences between them. For example, they both weren't trained the same way to use a sword, like in battles, and they also used different types of swords. Other than just their swords being and different, they also had…show more content…
The pair together was called a daisho pair, Turnbull (1990) found “the katana was slightly shorter than the tachi, and was designed to be carried thrust through the belt so that a blow could be delivered straight from the scabbard” (p. 41). They would both serve their rulers, for the Knights they would have to serve for the Kingdom, but for the Samurai they would serve their empire. The last similarity they had was that they had specific types of armor. Knights were covered in all steel and the Samurai had on more leather over steel (n.d. Medieval Japan). According to Turnbull (1982), the armoires from the Samurai wanted good quality armor, to be prepared to fight in battle that could take bullets and arrows. With that said they had a tough job making the armor with such request from the Samurai. They used the “...European plate armor than the traditional lamellar style” (p. 78). The Europeans influenced the design of steel they had in their armor. The Samurai had lots of layering when it came to putting on their armor (Kure, 2006, p. 68-72). The Samurai had a helmet at all times and sometimes they would have on their scary mask (Macdonald & Antram, 2010,

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