Kk Drama Causes

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Chapter 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents the findings generated from data which have been yielded through a painstaking analysis of the researchers. This study aimed to understand the reasons and psychological influences of watching k drama to identified Filipino viewers. The participants in this study were aged fourteen (14), nineteen (19), twenty six (25), thirty eight (38) and sixty (60). The researcher chose six participants to represent the population of k drama viewers in the La Union and Pangasinan. All participants were avid fans, and acknowledged themselves as a part of K drama phenomenon. Participants’ Profile The participants came from randomly selected municipalities in La Union and Pangasinan. Since this study aimed to understand the reasons and psychological influences of K drama content to identified Filipino viewers in a wider spectrum, the researchers chose participants whose ages belongs to different range: fourteen (14), nineteen (19), twenty six (25), thirty eight (38) and sixty (60). All participants were female. Participants wished to keep their identities and exact location for privacy purposes. The following are the name, age, location and current occupation of the participants: a. Kim Nana --14, Pangasinan, student b. Jan Dee –19, La Union, Student c. Seon…show more content…
Local television is catering k drama in a regular basis due to public demand and due to the popularity of Korean program now a days, considering this as a foundation of the researchers were caused to find reasons behind the viewers’ continuous indulgence on k drama. Based on participants’ response to the question about why they are watching k drama, the following themes emerged: diversion, storyline, appearance of Korean drama artists and quality of cinematography. The following were the themes generated based on participants’

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