King George Croke Pros And Cons

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However, it was the opinion of Justice George Croke, “no common charge upon the subject ought to be but by a common consent or in a parliamentary course.” Croke further explained “no necessity nor danger can allow a charge which is a breach of the laws.” Moreover, when the question arose as to whether the safety of the kingdom could be jeopardized by denying the King the right to levy taxes in time of peril, Croke suggested the need was for more frequent sessions of Parliament. Justice Richard Hutton raised the question whether or not there was sufficient evidence within the writ to prove the necessity of the levy as well as whether or not the kingdom is in imminent danger. He concluded the writ “neither containeth matter sufficient in the…show more content…
However, Davenport also stated it was the King’s duty to show the country was in imminent danger in order to impose the levy and if he could do so, then “the King may charge the subjects without Parliament towards the defense thereof.” Moreover, Davenport stresses on more than one occasion the necessity of proving the kingdom was in apparent and imminent danger, perhaps as a warning to…show more content…
When questioned as to whether or not the threat of piracy is sufficient cause to warrant the levy he is unwilling to concur with the statement. However, in his concluding remarks, Weston reiterated the King’s writ satisfied the need for such a levy and the money collected must be used for naval defense. Justice George Vernon had fallen ill during the case and pleaded with the court to allow him further time to review the records in the matter but his request was denied. Therefore, he ruled in the King’s favor. Moreover, Justice Thomas Trevor also ruled in the King’s favor but made no convincing remarks as to why he chose to do so. In addition, Justice William Jones concluded no matter whether he ruled for Hampden or the King, the opposition would not be satisfied. On the contrary, Jones felt he had ruled in good conscience and was justified in his decision. It was his opinion if the King taxed his subjects, then the King must also tax himself. Jones went on to state the taxation could only be imposed during such a time it was felt the kingdom was in imminent danger and when the danger ceased so must the

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