Kill A King

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To kill a King In the early 17th Century Western Europe witnessed a thirty year civil that went on between the Puritans of Parliament and the Catholic citizens of Europe. The movie “To Kill a King” depicts the constant battles that take place in Europe. King Charles I of Europe was very powerful and all his subjects believed in his Parliament platform based off religion. In the movie “To Kill a King,” Oliver Cromwell and Thomas Fairfax are Generals that originally share the same idea when relating to the freedom of England People. After Three years of fighting the Generals lose a majority vote at court, but the fight wasn’t quite over. After one last march the generals and their troops are able to capture the attention of the parliament, and…show more content…
Cromwell meets with Denzil Holles, a Parliament leader, to sign the designated treaty. Little did Thomas Fairfax know, Cromwell revised the treaty to meet his attitude towards progression. Thomas Fairfax also realized his name was the last one to be signed on the Kings death warrant, and is very distraught with Cromwell. It is now obvious to General Thomas Fairfax that Oliver Cromwell has betrayed him. Cromwell’s greedy shallow demeanor proved itself after amending the treaty and taking actions upon himself rather than working coherently with Thomas Fairfax. Arguments flared amongst the two over the trial of the King because of the different perspective each had. Fairfax brings motivation to England because of his almighty peacekeeping. Cromwell becomes “Lord Protector of England,” which ultimately means England is in the power of Cromwell’s…show more content…
They explicitly describe the Puritans as evil Monarchists that treat their English people unjustly. England has mercenaries: armed soldiers that are forced by the King to move goods. Mercenaries fought hard, but were under-paid and poorly fed. The English Monarchy under King Charles I, felt that through slave labor, and mercenaries the economy would continue to reform, but really the mercenaries created huge issues through global trade until the idea of “Popular sovereignty”
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