Kevin Carter Famine

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Kevin Carter was a South African photojournalist who is well-known for his picture he took in March 1993 in South Sudan, close to the village of Ayod. The photo captured a little famished Sudan girl in the middle of a field, getting preyed upon by a vulture. The little girl had stopped to rest, while struggling to make her way to the United Nations feeding center. Behind her sat a vulture watching and waiting. Many would interpret this photo exactly how Kevin Carter wanted it to be depicted, to show the famine in Sudan. In the photo you can see the little girl’s frail bones, her ribs showing through her chest. The vulture just a few feet behind, sitting tall. The picture doesn't leave much to the imagination. The two main figures within the photo are the little girl and the vulture. The picture absolutely captures the famine in Sudan. It makes you want to know more, it draws you in. The first question that comes to mind when looking at the photo is what happened to the little girl? The picture first appeared on the New York Times paper on March 26, 1993. After the picture was released hundreds of people contacted the New York Times asking if the little girl had survived or not. According to, “Practically overnight hundreds of people contracted the newspaper to ask whether the child had survived, leading the newspaper…show more content…
He heard a soft, high-pitched whimpering and saw a tiny girl trying to make her way to the feeding center. As he crouched to photograph her, a vulture landed in view. Careful not to disturb the bird, he positioned himself for the best possible image. He would later say he waited about 20 minutes, hoping the vulture would spread its wings. It did not, and after he took his photographs, he chased the bird away and watched as the little girl resumed her struggle. Afterward he sat under a tree, lit a cigarette…

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