Karl Marx Bourgeoisie Essay

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Karl Marx rejected the upper class and their desire for private property because he felt the desire to own property gave way to the division of labor which is the driving force behind inequality through social classes. He felt the bourgeoisie was the controlling state of all production and the harsh working conditions of the labor force. Marx despised social classes because he believed if there were no social classes there would be no controlling state to exploit, manipulate and control the less fortunate. Karl Marx recognized that the bourgeoisie produced disadvantages for the laborer and privileges for the rich. It was these privileges that Marx detested because they made money from the hard work of the proletariat. He felt that a capitalist…show more content…
It is easy; we follow their vision, innovation, and the free market trade. With that said, their ideas were not all wrong, and we owe a lot of today’s innovations and freedoms to their business practice, not their humanitarian one. The bourgeoisie vision and innovation are some of the greatest ideas and outcomes the world has ever known along with the creation of free market trade such as commodities. Their vision and innovation brought people and countries out of the Middle Ages into a society with technological advances that most of the world could not even fathom. Modern society owes everything to them, without their vision of free trade and the ability to create jobs through industrial growth, modern society would not exist, not as we know it. Marx speaks of the horrible conditions and outright exploitation of the laborers in his time. With that said, I wonder if Marx would feel the same way with the great working conditions that are in place to protect today’s proletariat. I would say no. Unlike the conditions of the industrial revolution, industrial jobs along with jobs created by major corporations are in high demand in the United States and countries around the
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