Jonathan Boucher Analysis

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Jonathan Boucher was an Anglican loyalist minister that lived in Maryland. He came over from Cumberland, England as a young man in 1738. Boucher was the pastor of the Annapolis church in Maryland and peached of peace. However, he returned to England in 1775 after disagreeing and hating the American Revolution. ‘’To drag me out of my own pulpit, I should think myself justified before God and men in repelling violence by violence.’’ (Page 136) As a loyalist he preached about peace and how God did not agree with war, but most members of the church did not agree with him, therefore they would get up and leave church. “In the usual and regular course of preaching, I happened one Sunday to recommend peaceablesness; on which Mr. Lee and sundry others, supposing my sermon to be what they called a stroke at the times, rose up and left the church. ‘’ (Page 136)…show more content…
Everything he would preach about from that Sunday on they would take as an insult. ‘’This was a signal to the people to consider every sermon of mine as hostile to the views and interests of America, and accordingly I never went into a pulpit without something every disagreeable happening.’’ (Page 136) Boucher did care for America, but he didn’t believe the American Revolution was a way to solve the issues. Boucher would receive threating letters and messages from his own members to stop preaching of peace, and preach only what their ears wanted to hear. ‘’I received sundry messages and letters threating me with the most consequences if I did not preach what should be agreeable to the friends of America. (Page 136) Through this primary source it shows how the citizens of the colonies were so divide about their thoughts of the American Revolution. So many people were against it, as for

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