John Simpson Kirkpatrick Research Paper

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For years, the idea of heroism has been debated. What is heroism? Some say King Arthur is a hero, others say Hilary Clinton is. But in my opinion the greatest hero our nation has seen is John Simpson Kirkpatrick, better known as “The Man With his Donkey.” I believe the role John Simpson Kirkpatrick played in WW1, although short-lived, demonstrated true heroism and was inspiring and significant in the fact he saved the lives of many British Army Corps, ultimately ending his life in heroic sacrifice for good will of war. To support this statement, I will discuss the background of Simpson and his Donkey, the immediate impact he had on the war and his long term effects on the development of our modern history. John Kirkpatrick was born on July 6, 1882 to the parents of Robert Kirkpatrick and Sarah Kirkpatrick (née Simpson). A British born child, Kirkpatrick was one of eight children. In early 1909, he joined the British merchant navy but by 1910, he deserted the navy and fled to Australia. 3 years on, the Great War began. He enlisted, dropping “Kirkpatrick” from his name to avoid being identified as a deserter, going by just, “John Simpson”.…show more content…
Soon after, he started his time as a field ambulance officer, then discovering the infamous donkey, Duffy, which would grow to be one of Australia’s most loved war heroes. After 24 days of diligent service, Simpson was machine-gunned down in no-man’s land. He was killed in

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