John Holland's Typology And The Social Learning Theory Model

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The constant movement in careers and changes in the economy has helped increase the need for career counselors. Individuals will experience different obstacles, aspirations, and goals throughout their life that will affect their career development. One of the main roles of a career counselor is acting as a motivator in helping individuals lives a more satisfying life (Krumboltz, 2011). In order for individuals to lead a satisfying life, they must have a good grasp of self. Career decision requires the gathering of information about individuals’ preferences, abilities, as well as exploring various career paths (Gati and Levin, 2014). There are various theories and approaches to help career counselors guide their clients through their career development. The theories that best resonate with me are John Holland’s typology and the social learning theory models: Krumboltz’s learning theory of career counseling and Michell’s happenstance approach theory. Although John Holland’s concept of typology falls under the trait-and-factor model, which differs from the social learning model, his work has been influential in the realm of career development. John Holland's typology describes how…show more content…
This is a crucial time in individuals’ lives in regards to their career development. The last several years of schooling have helped shaped and prepare them for this chapter of their lives: finding a career. Even for those who did not take the college route, there are many work experiences and changes that occur at this stage of their lives. After graduating, there are a number of emotions that individuals’ experience. According to Keith Puffer’s article, the top six emotions individuals’ experience during their career development and/or transition are interest, challenge, attraction, excitement, satisfaction, and surprise

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