Joan Didion Holy Water Analysis

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The world we live is on the path of being dysfunctional and it is the result of societies dishonesty. It seems the issues of the world are becoming too large for society to resolve. The causes of our issues are the consequences of people not speaking up enough and being honest about our worldly issues. This continuous affair of dishonesty has made our worldly issues too large for us to fix. It has come to the point of such issues being out of our control. The issues of the world have become too large because of society not complaining enough. Societies issues have built up constantly and it is due to people in fear of being judged or belittled. The silence of society is a big issue because, how could humanity grow if no one points out the errors in our society. It is understandable if a person does not complain because of the fear of being judged or wrong, as Buckley remarks, “I myself can occasionally summon the courage to complain but I cannot, as I have intimidate complain softly” (Buckley 78). But…show more content…
California has gone through a severe drought for years and not much as been done to preserve our water supply. The reason to why nothing has been done is that, “Not many people I know carry their end of the conversation when I talk about our water deliveries, even when I stress that these deliveries affect their lives, indirectly, everyday” as Didion (113) remarks. People are being silent for one reason or another and being silent is a way of people being dishonesty, in other words it is the many ways we lie and is a growing issue everyday, as Ericsson claims, “ We lie, We all do. We exaggerate, we minimize, we avoid confrontation, we spare people’s feelings, we conveniently forget, we keep secrets, we justify lying to the big-guy institutions” (Ericsson 159). The people who are ignoring the issue are not voicing their opinion and that just adds on more issues to

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