Jesus Vs Starbucks

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To the common eye, the Starbucks seems to share little to nothing in common with the Society of Jesus. Many people attest that while Starbucks focuses on monetary success, the Jesuits exist to improve humanity's relationship with God. Despite these common perceptions, these two organizations share a similar "soul". Reflected in Starbuck's mission statement and the Jesuit's four leadership values, these two "companies" hold a common set values, which they utilize to engage the world. This paper seeks to explain Starbuck's mission statement and how it, as well as Howard Schultz's (the founder of Starbucks) actions as CEO, connect to the guiding Jesuit leadership principles of love and heroism, as articulated in Chris Lowney's Heroic Leadership.…show more content…
Realizing God's activity in every opportunity, Jesuits were motivated to extract the full potential from every situation. Through the Spiritual Exercises (a set of meditative practices), Jesuits became possessed with a "restless energy" to discover something greater in every opportunity. Described as magis, this motivated spirit drove each Jesuit to constantly push the boundaries to their ambitions (Lowney, 2003, 34). If a business leader or company followed the Jesuits heroic example, Lowney argues, they would have the ambition to make bold choices and the courage to break free from harmful business practices. The central role of heroic leaders to companies is highlighted as Lowney preaches, "It usually takes heroes to save companies from themselves," (Lowney, 2003, 226). Fitting into the Jesuit call to heroism is Howard Schultz's decision to reenter as CEO of…show more content…
A major part of this plan was by changing the mission statement of the company itself. As stated earlier, the company's mission was the gauge by which Starbucks measured its actions and judged the correct course of action. Looking to revitalize his company and orientate it from a "comps-at-any-cost mind-set with a customer-centric one," Schultz utilized the change in mission to combat the overwhelming negative outlook of the company portrayed by the general public and many partners themselves. In essence, Schultz was courageously driving the company to be ambitious during a bleak situation. In line with Schultz's and the Jesuit pillar's emphasis on ambitious leadership, Starbuck's mission tasks itself to inspire the human spirit. Not only is its vagueness and measurability daunting, but its goal to fulfill it each person and cup at the time significantly complicated the matter. In short, Starbucks is challenging itself to create such an significant impact, with every product and human interaction, that it can inspire the human spirit, not matter its

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