Japanese American Internment: Never Justified

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-Make it short and sweet. Japanese-American Internment: Never Justified By Mallory A. Johnson Introduction: You’re a Japanese-American in the U.S.A during WWII after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. As the door opens, you step out, the paper tag hanging from your neck swinging. On it is a number, marking you. To the United States, you are simply a number, and a possible threat. On February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the US president, signed Executive Order 9066, which directed all Japanese-American citizens of the United States to be collected to go to internment camps around the continent for ‘National Security’. More than 110,000 Japanese-Americans were sent to these camps, despite their devotion to America. The Japanese Americans…show more content…
The Japanese-American Internees, their families, and their descendents deserved more than a measly apology and $20,000 about 45 years after their internment. Especially after what they had gone through. No privacy, no where to contemplate anything, not much warmth during the winter, and too much heat in the summer.Their abhorrent acquaintance with the Us was never entirely justified, despite the efforts of the US who imprisoned them on false accusations, and on account of fear, and not entirely sane ratiocination. Obviously the Japanese-American Internees should’ve received…show more content…
The simpleness yet sureness of this statement, “I am American”, plainly states that the man was proud that he was a US citizen, no matter what somebody might say. It also showed his hope that he wouldn’t be collected with his friends and other fellow Japanese-Americans. Japanese-American men were fighting for the US in WWII before they were incarcerated. Clearly the Japanese-Americans’ internment was out of fear, not

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