Japan Silk Factories Case Study

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Japan has been known as good economy silk factories in the history. They were the first major non-Western nation to take on board the non-Western technological and organizational advances of the country after the first industrial revolution. Silk factories are parts of textile industry began in the mid-1800s, Meiji period. Japanese followed the European and American example of hiring women and young girls to do the millwork. Female workers in Japanese silk factories: did the costs outweigh the benefits? In other words, cost mean negative, also the benefit mean positive and the outweigh means more or important. The costs are outweigh the benefits because of their working schedule, the treatment, illness and the wage. The costs outweigh the…show more content…
The costs outweigh the benefits for the female who are working at the silk factory by the wage. Silk factories women workers received 13 sen for the average daily wage (Doc C). The average daily wage for female silk factories workers is 13 sen. In 1900, 100 sen equal to 50 US cents, that means they received below 10 cents (Doc C). Back then, one pound of sugar cost about 15 sen but their wage is lower than 2 sen. They can’t even buy one pound of sugar by their average daily wage. They work 14 hours a day or even more, and the average wage is lower than the hour's work. Workers parents received the contract money when it was signed (Doc E). The parents received the money when they sign the contract, also the daughter’s received the wage. A lot of things are expensive back then, and it hard to make money. Example, the father accept 100 yen for his two daughters. In 1906, 100 yen could build a two-story house. 100 yen is a lot of money, is equal to 10 thousand sen. They have many benefits when they received that money. Even that, it not unfair that they work long hours and received such a small amount of money, not enough to buy one pound of sugar by their average daily wage. They should have time to rest, overworked is not healthy. The daughter’s working, and the parents just take the contract money to use for. It affects a lot of things, not only themselves but their family. It…show more content…
Female workers in Japanese silk factories, do the costs outweigh the benefits? Also, means do the bad things is more important than the good things for the female workers in Japanese silk factories. Silk factory the lasting impact of Japan, also do women, only are women work on silk. The economy of Japan is increased, also many things change. The textile industry was one of the first industries in Japan to Western technology. Textiles were the most important Japanese export before WW2. Today, there still have silk working, because of the silk factory, clothes and others are created. Women silk workers are having a hard time while working at the factories. Health are important, you can’t let yourself ill and go to work. They work hard to make money, not only that they make cloth for today. They don’t care about long hours work and try their hard. Work hard,

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