James Martin Overkill

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In Earth’s history there are various forces that have been discovered and studied which could have possibly triggered the extinction of large mammals, such as meteor strikes, climate change, etc. are few of the possible factors that have been associated with near-time extinction. In “Overview of Overkill” from Twilight of the Mammoths Ice Age Extinctions and the Rewilding of America, Paul S. Martin developed the theory that the Pleistocene extinction of the Megafauna, as he refers to them, was caused by the overkill of animals by humans. In his thesis of overkill, he explains the several anthropogenic sources of extinction, and concludes as to why humans were the sole reason for the Pleistocene extinction, as opposed to other factors. Throughout this entire chapter Martin focuses primarily on the extinction of the Megafauna, which…show more content…
Subsequently, extinctions in other parts of the world were relatively close to the time of human arrival. Martin also asserts that the sudden explosive extinctions, which were due to overhunting, can be documented and proven, despite the fact that there is no evidence or kill sites. In Martin’s defense, he explains that fossil record seldom discloses cause of mortality, much less of extinction. Although Martin claims that large mammals were overhunted by the Clovis people, he also states that Africa and Asia suffered the least in terms of extinction of large mammals, and this was solely due to the idea of co-evolution, as human hunting advanced, so did the wariness and defenses of the potential prey; thus these mammals developed anti-predator behaviour, and adapted to living with the

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