James M. Cain's Mildred Pierce

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Movies create distinct feelings in the eyes of the viewer not only because of what story the film is telling but because of how it displays it. Moreover, there are many characteristics of film that must synchronize in order to create such feelings. Narrative configuration, or the structure and framework, is one such property of film that is essential to the movie and its script. A clear narrative configuration when telling a tale is crucial to interpreting the writer’s storyline effectively while producing sentimental worth in the eyes of the viewer. Moreover, with an effective structure, the tale will unfold in a clear and concise manner. In the story of Mildred Pierce, written by James M. Cain, the distinct narrative configurations between the novel and the film create divergence between the two different principal themes of desire creating deceit, and…show more content…
While still maintaining a subjective point of view, the book is chronological having a linear narrative. It opens in the midst of Mildred’s middle-age life, where she has two daughters and is married to Bert, her first husband. Because of the absence of the police and the investigation, the fundamental theme is altered and there is no use for flashbacks like in the movie. Moreover, the turning point in the novel is when Mildred catches Veda in bed with Monty. Throughout the former segment of the book, Veda shows a keen desire for Monty’s affluent knowledge and façade. The film simply shows the two sharing a kiss. Additionally, Veda’s uncontrollable desire for wealth and materiality fuses her passion of becoming aesthetically substantial in the eyes of her stepfather, leading to their romantic relationship. The plot of the novel, therefore, becomes the constant struggle for Mildred to attain acceptance in the eyes of her daughter. The different frameworks of both the film and novel help create their themes and illuminate the writer’s

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