Jack In William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

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Jack represents the evil and dominance in human nature. He arrives on the island already with some control because of his dominance over the choir. Jack's character mimics a dictator in today's world. Not originally evil, Jack develops his power-hungry personality after he hunts his first pig. Oldsey and Weintraub illustrate the change in Jack's character, "At first he is even less able to wound a pig than is Ralph, but he is altered much in the manor of transformation of the twentieth century dictator from the first tentative stirrings of power lust to eventual bestiality" (Oldsey and Weintraub 21). After finally walking away with his first kill, Jack challenges Ralph with determination to become the new leader. The dictator in Jack becomes more dominant in his personality as the boys panic over the beast…show more content…
He constantly questions the power of the conch, claiming that the conch rule does not apply when they are on certain parts of the island. Yet he uses the conch to his advantage and calls his own assembly with the intentions to remove Ralph from power. Jack refuses to respect anyone while they have the conch and interrupts Piggy multiple times. Ralph tries to intervene as he exclaims,"The rules! ... You're breaking the rules!" (Golding 91). Showing his selfish quality, Jack causes the fire to diminish in order to hunt down a pig. To Jack, his main priority is finally killing and obtaining that rush of power. He obsesses over the idea of killing, until he finally achieves that goal. By enabling the fire to go out, Jack finds himself face to face with Ralph. During this confrontation, Golding reveals their true character differences: "There was the brilliant world of hunting, tactics, force exhilaration, skill; and there was the world of longing and baffled common sense" (Golding 71). Although both Ralph and Jack fight for complete leadership, Ralph is the original
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