It's Kind Of A Funny Story Summary

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Book Report: It’s Kind of a Funny Story It’s Kind of a Funny Story is a novel by Ned Vizzini. Ned Vizzini suffered with depression in his early adult years and decided that he should write a novel about his own experience. The book was inspired by a real life situation that Ned Vizzini had in 2004 when he was hospitalized for depression. Vizzini has many successful novels which this story is one but his other incredible books include Teen Angst? Naaah... and Be More Chill. It’s Kind of a Funny Story takes place in infamous Brooklyn, New York City. This setting is important because this is where Craig Gilner, the main character lived. The author described the location as a typical modern New York neighbourhood. Brownstone-limestone and maroon…show more content…
He is a 15 year old boy living in Brooklyn, New York City with his parents and his younger sister Sarah. His best friends include Aaron and Nia. They weren’t the best people to be friends with but Craig was pressured into hanging out with them. Nia was Craig’s first ‘love’ until his best friend, Aaron, stole her away from him. This made Craig gloomy and heartbroken for awhile. They all went to the same school together and they always hung out despite Aaron stealing his girlfriend. Craig attended an intense academic based school named Executive Pre-Professional High School in Manhattan. It is incredibly hard to get into the school, so Craig took the challenge to study obsessively for the test and after getting accepted, he immediately slacked off and had awfully little motivation to catch up. Craig was strained, anxious, and stressed for several months. He could barely eat, sleep, and had thoughts raced around his head all day. All these signs led to depression. He took medication and therapy but nothing seemed to work for Craig. The author made me feel as if Craig could be a real life teenager facing these problems. Craig’s problems are issues faced by many teenagers struggling with school work, peer pressure, and self esteem. I would describe Craig as suicidal, miserable, and…show more content…
Catching up with his academic school work, getting peer pressured by his ‘best friends’ and having his heartbroken by Nia almost led him into jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge. But instead, Craig decided to admit himself into Six North, a unit for mental patients for a few days. Most of the book took place in here and it is where Craig really found himself and got his life in shape. He started to eat and sleep normally and realized there are other people out there that have it worse than him. He encountered a diverse group of patients of both adults and teenagers. One teenager really striked Craig and made him feel confident and happier. Craig found a great interest while he was in his art therapy class. Drawing maps helped Craig understand his own problems, kept him calm, and it is something he really enjoyed. By the time Craig was released from Six North, he knew his future was bright and realized that there were many things to look forward to doing but the most important one was simply

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