Islam: The Ethics Of Disagreement In Islam

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Ethics exist in everything we do in our daily lives. According to Merriam-Webster (2017), ethics means a set of moral principles or a theory or system of moral values. In Islam, we are obligated to observe our behaviors not only to ourselves but also to our family, friends and other members of the community. Most importantly, we have to be ethical with our Creator, Allah S.W.T. As we know, “ikhtilaf denotes taking a different position or course from that another person either in opinion, utterance or action” (Alwani, 1993) which means that it is the disagreement between two or more individuals regarding the their thoughts, statements or behavior. Since Islam asked us to be ethical, there are few ways or adabs when resolving the disagreements.…show more content…
Individuals that perceive different opinions will fight with the rival, saying that their ideas are right while the opposing ideas are totally wrong. In some cases, they forgot to observe the logical reasons used in order to establish the truth. Jadal is hypothetically like braiding a rope as said by Alwani in his book ‘The Ethics of Disagreement in Islam”. It is when both parties tries to persuade each other to follow his idea as it is the truth according to his imam. A knowledge on investigating which juristic rulings are sturdier based on the evidence such as Quran and Sunnah is known as Al-Ilm Al-Jadal which is the science of dialectics. Some scholars also regards this science as an education that enable someone to conserve his idea even when it is at fault or it can also ruin an idea that is right in nature. However, the latter indicates that it is the skill of persuading someone, but not because of the proofs from Quran and

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