Introductory Paragraph: Inequality And Discrimination

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I. Introductory Paragraph Inequality and discrimination comes in many different forms.Inequality means “the quality of being unequal or uneven”. It can stop a young women from following her dreams, or it can leave a family hungry and wondering how they’ll make it. It gives unfair disadvantages to people based on race or gender. II. First Body Paragraph When you seem smarter, more people want to hire you, when you or your parents have money, people want to please you. “In May 2013, about 39 percent of all jobs in the United States were in occupations that typically require a high school diploma or equivalent, with a median annual wage of $35,580.” As opposed to the jobs that require a doctoral degree “About 3 percent of all jobs in the United States were in occupations that typically require a doctoral degree (Ph.D.) or first professional degree, such as in law or medicine.…show more content…
Things like energy is something that a younger person has that an older person doesn’t. You could have training on how to operate certain machinery that no one else knows how to operate. These are abilities that can help you advance in the workplace. Maybe you can do something no one else can and you realize your company needs you, you could demand higher pay than everyone else because you are vital, you are a monopoly. “For instance, a firm with deep pockets can set prices below costs and absorb losses until competitors can no longer survive.” When you are faced with an other person’s “monopoly” in the workplace, it can leave you with little to no wiggle room. “The labor force in a monopolized industry may also be significantly less than that of a competitive industry.” When you have one person to do the job, you will have to pay less people which makes it a good deal to lay off others who aren’t as strong to save money. There is significant job loss when a monopoly is formed, making employment hard for many people who just lost their

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