Interpersonal Barriers In The Big Walrus

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The term “old man” and “chief” is referred to as the big walrus of the herd. He is the biggest and wisest of the herd, but has a terrible attitude. The herd encountered some problems and no one wanted to break the news to the chief. Basil, the second ranking walrus was the only walrus that was able to talk to the old man. The herd was experiencing a few critical incidents that affected the herd, but none of the other walruses can approach the chief. The first issue, the herd noticed that the water level in the Arctic Bay was diminishing, which led to them traveling further to catch the supply of herring. Basil told the chief that everything was going well and the beach seems to be getting larger. The second issue, a new herd of walruses moved on their beach. Basil told the…show more content…
Interpersonal barriers are exhibited throughout this case. Interpersonal barriers occurs when individuals are unable to objectively listen to the sender (Schermerhorn et al., 2012). Basil filtered his message to the chief and made it seem like everything was in order. The water line was receding, instead Basil told the chief that the beach appear to be getting bigger. Another example, a new herd moved into their territory making the supply of food harder for them to obtain. Basil filtered his message and told the chief what he wanted to hear. Due to the chief temper it was easier to filter the message by stating good news. Basil and the other walruses felt that any bad news would make the chief furious and retaliate. The walruses encountered a few bad experiences and did not want to relive the past. The chief’s attitude had a big impact on the other walruses; they knew he would have the right answers to solve the problems but did not want to deal with him. The chief was distracted basking in the sun and not supervising his

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