Inform Against Me Soliloquy Analysis Act 4

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In the soliloquy “How All Occasion Do Inform Against Me” by Shakespeare is in Act 4 Scene 4 which is the last soliloquy before he is sent to England. This soliloquy is important because we discover what kind of character Hamlet is. The length is 35 lines where each line discusses where Hamlet having the duty to get revenge on his father deaths and the army being sent to fight for a land that is worthless. The central idea is Hamlet making a decision is should he go through with his revenge or watch himself send the army to their deaths. The first half of the soliloquy is the turning point for Hamlet. “How all do inform against me…. Sith I have cause and will and strength and means” (Shakespeare 1-14). The most important is his revenge “How all occasions do inform against me, and spur my dull revenge” (Shakespeare 1-2). Hamlet finally realizes his revenge must be the end to all his means. He has no more time to take up action. “Of thinking too precisely on the event” (Shakespeare 10) he’s anxious the problems he can get in killing Claudius. Knows he must stay strong in watching 20,000 soldiers sacrifice there life’s for a land that doesn’t matter. “Sith I have cause and will and strength and means... Witness this army of such mass and charge” (Shakespeare 14-16). Also, he knows that he won’t ever…show more content…
. . Even for an egg shell” (Shakespeare 17-22). “And let all sleep? … Which is not tomb enough and continent” (Shakespeare 28-33). Hamlet doesn’t know how he is willing to watch the army died over his action of revenge. In lines 30-31 “The imminent death of twenty thousand men, that, for a fantasy and trick of fame”, Hamlet finds it ludicrous that the army thinks they are dying for honor when actually dying for peace and wealth. Shakespeare uses a simile to compare the army fighting to their death “Go to their graves like beds, fight for a plot” (Shakespeare

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