Inequality In Plato's Republic

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In Plato’s Republic, the biggest source of inequality is located within the highest class of the city, the guardians. Socrates argues that the citizens must ensure that the fighting class of the guardians, the auxiliaries, are protected from corruption, and nothing occurs that may entice them to stop looking out for the interest of the city. In Book III, Socrates talks about the necessities of the auxiliary class and how important it is to keep them protected, he says: :We must therefore take every precaution to see that our auxiliaries, since they are the stronger, do not behave like that toward citizens, and become cruel masters instead of kindly allies” (pg. 61). The guardians have no luxuries and no private possessions. They are given the bare necessities,…show more content…
In chapter 5 of Book I of Aristotle’s Politics, Aristotle lays out the different types of inequality in the city. He says, “For that some should rule, and others be ruled is a thing not only necessary, but advantageous. From the hour of their birth some are marked out for subjection, others for rule” (pg. 131). Aristotle claims that being a leader is a natural thing. Some people are going to be born to lead, while others will simply lack the ability to lead, and will have to follow the orders of a leader. One class of inequality is that relationship of a master and slave. The slave master is born with reasoning and the ability to lead. However, the slaves are born with reason, but are unable to activate it. However, while there may be an inequality between the slave and the master, they are both working for the same thing. According to Aristotle, everyone is working for something in common. In order for this end goal to be achieved, the slaves must obey the master and the master must guide the slave. When this occurs, then both will be able to reach the highest happiness

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