In Praise Of Folly Summary

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In Erasmus of Rostterdam’s work, “In Praise of Folly”, Erasmus was very disturbed by the way the Catholic Church was abusing its power in the time of the northern European Renaissance. The satirical way he went about writing in this composition reflects the views he had towards his religion at the time. This essay was narrated by Folly, the representation of foolishness. Folly goes on a rant about how superstitions of the catholic had caused an enormous effect on the unethical behavior of the church. In the beginning of her tirade she declares a statement about these superstitions and how the Roman Catholic followers hide behind these unreal rules instead of using common sense. She proclaimed “never doubting that a lie will choke them, they…show more content…
He took the point that Erasmus was trying to get across in his satire to another level. Martin Luther was a monk who believed in a loving and forgiving god, whose redemption were given freely. He saw the exploitation within the Catholic Church and wanted to try and take a stand against the fraud being committed. Martin Luther mainly wrote his theses’ in response to the selling of Indulgences, forgiveness of sins for salvation, to gain money for the church. To Martin Luther the only way to reach redemption was through divine grace. Within his list of objections, he called out preachers about the issue with the Indulgence scandal. He wrote, “21. Thus those indulgence preachers are in error who say that a man is absolved from every penalty and saved by papal indulgence”, and went on to the twenty third problem on the list to prove his point even further by saying “23. If remission of all penalties whatsoever could be granted to anyone at all, certainly it would be granted only to the most perfect, that is, to very few”. With the deceit of the church revealed, Martin Luther inadvertently started a revolution. The belief system during this time period was starting to reform and caused the loyal followers of the Catholic Church to question their

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