In Country Shiloh Summary

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In the novels In Country, Shiloh, and The Girl in the Blue Beret, Bobbie Ann Mason develops unforgettable multiple themes that illustrate the author’s purpose. For Bobbie Ann Mason war was mainly talked in her novels. The title story, "Shiloh," about a disabled trucker whose wife is not used to having him at home, has been widely anthologized in college textbooks. The couple's trip to the Civil War battleground of Shiloh began for Mason a recurring preoccupation with the theme of war. Mason’s first novel In Country is taught widely in classes and was made into a Norman Jewison film starring Bruce Willis and Emily Lloyd. It is about a teenager whose father died in Vietnam before she was born. She is coming of age and wants to know more about her father. The Girl in the Blue Beret ventures into World War II and the ways it is remembered. Marshall Stone, a former bomber pilot returns to France in 1980 and tries to recapture his younger self. These three are mainly introduced with war. Bobbie Ann Mason indicates richness of emotions that makes In Country satisfying. The major focus on this novel is the Vietnam War. It plays a big part of American History. Even in this novel there was characters that were involved in the Vietnam War. In Country allows the…show more content…
Such as marriage, rights, war, etc. “In Shiloh, Bobbie Ann Mason introduces us to her western Kentucky people and the lives they forge for themselves amid the ups and downs of contemporary American life”. Shiloh is rooted in two wars the battle for women’s rights and the Civil War. The Civil War specifically the battleground at Shiloh, is a counterpart to the feminist struggle. Bobbie Ann Mason uses the war to underline the confusing, violent, and romantic institution of marriage. Shiloh is the site of one of the bloodiest battles in American history. This novel is made by a strong sense of place by a particular kind of character, by a individual voice, and by

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