Importance Of Technical Writing

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Introduction Communicating with others is an essential skill to escalate in a corporate world. Effective communication is all about the conveying style either in spoken or written format would matter for a great career. Stern (1983) says that ‘language competence or proficiency is characterized by four features: formal mastery, semantic mastery, communicative capacity and creativity.’ (p.399) he further expands ‘the four characteristics of language proficiency are best assumed to develop simultaneously throughout the learning process as the language learning process lasts a long time, the learner may choose to enter into a new language, through an emphasis on any one or more than one of the four aspects of language proficiency and in the course…show more content…
Technical writing is communication written for and about business and industry. Technical writers explain technology and its-related ideas to technical and non- technical audiences. Technical writing department is often known as information development user assistance, technical documentation or technical publications. Technical writing focuses on products and services – how to manufacture them, market them, manage them, deliver them, and use them. Technical writing is composed of a group of people working in different levels of office organization including sub-ordinates, vendors and customers. A technical writer expects to write Memos and Electronic Mails, Letters, Reports, Proposals, Brochures, Newsletters, fliers, resumes, websites, online help screens, and technical descriptions. A technical writer’s goal is to create text that is clear, concise, easy to understand and easy to…show more content…
The need of these two groups is likely to be different, but there are also people whose jobs and training fall somewhere in the intersection of the others. Another complication is that English for engineers is also often meant for people working in full-time education, where the future job potentiality is unknown specifically as the syllabus of few subjects are interdisciplinary in first year later leading to a specialization of numerous different kinds of engineers like marine engineer, architectural engineer, genetic engineer etc., with widely different fields of work and specialist vocabulary. Hence a specific cut short of English subject could not be designed for any position, yet minimum sub skills of English are trained like productive skills – professional skills in writing, speaking and Receptive skills to comprehend the reading material from a script, listening to a client or people working together. This leads engineers tend to be interested in technical topics even if they have little relation to their own specialization and technical topics also brings up a language that can be used to describe other kinds of engineering

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