Importance Of Private University

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Private universities are finding importance in all over the world due to many reasons including providing opportunities as well as quality education to needy people irrespective of their high score performance in qualifying examinations for admissions so that students get an opportunity based on their re-defined education goal. Due to the shortage of higher education institutions in a given country especially in developing countries compared to the country population, private universities are thriving in their number, this is also due to the reason that the Country governments are failed to promote the new universities as well as to subsidise the existing universities to cater the ever increasing the demand for higher education. Many countries…show more content…
Depending on the country, private universities may be subject to government rules, regulations and policies. Still, in many countries, most of the private universities are non-profit organizations contributing heavily on research and innovations. Table 2 lists a rough idea on the number of Private Universities in the major countries/continents of the world. From the table, it is noticed that Japan, being smallest country has 597 private universities which is the highest number and ranked first. Another small country Poland located in European continent has 321 private universities and hence ranked second. India being ranked third in terms of the number of private universities has currently 296 private universities as per University Grant Commission (UGC) a quality controlling and regulatory body of Government of India. Even though private universities contribute to the higher education system and hence the economy of the country, they face lots of challenges during initial stage till they establish and reach a sustainable level. There are many advantages of higher education system due to the establishment of private universities and are listed in Table 3 under two parts as real advantages and imaginary…show more content…
Accordingly, based on the section 22 of UGC act, the Indian government has allowed the state governments to establish private universities in the respective states. About 22 states in the country have utilized this opportunities to promote and permit private universities and as per UGC website information, presently 296 private universities are functioning in the country and are given power to award degrees with nomenclature as specified by UGC with prior approvals designated statutory councils. However, all the Private Universities shall provide information relating to the undergraduate degree programmes, post-graduate degree/diploma programme(s), and research degree programmes including the eligibility criteria for admission of students, curriculum structure, contents, teaching and learning process, examination and evaluation system, and placement data to the UGC every year. As per such UGC regulations, private universities in different states of the country have started their higher educational service and formulating their strategies to provide quality and innovative education to attract many students in the areas of high demand in the industry and society. A good number of research studies are carried out on challenges and
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