Importance Of Grievances

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INTRODUCTION: A grievance means any dissatisfaction faced by the employee, it may or may not be expressed by the employees in the organization. It may be valid or invalid grievance, rising out of any issues related to the company, then the employee feels and thinks that it is unfair and unjust. In any organisation occurrence of grievances are natural. All the issues of the employees have to be solved at the earliest else it may create problem to the organisation as well as industry. Grievance must be solved at early stage by supervisor himself without carrying it to further stages. It is quiet easier to solve the grievances at the starting stage. The root of the problem must be understood immediately and then if it is not possible by lower…show more content…
He gets a feeling of dissatisfaction from his job if his expectations are not met by the company. A particular employee is said to have grievance when he feels things in his workplace are unfair. If the problems or the grievance of the employees are not solved or the issues relating to grievance are not corrected or left unsolved, the changes in behaviour is likely to increase and will lead to negative relations with management as well as the other employees.  It is very common in every human , can say the human nature is so that he/she will never be satisfied with the organisation and will have grievance for some or other thing.  The grievance may be real or imaginary, can be genuine or fake and it also can be valid or invalid.  Grievance can have a direct or indirect effect on the employee’s productivity and efficiency. Due to grievance employee may be unhappy, frustrated, discontent, poor morale and so…show more content…
A grievance refers to any kind of dissatisfaction with the different aspects of the organization. 2. Dissatisfaction in the organization is caused only from his/her employment and not because of personal or family problems. 3. The dissatisfaction occurred is expressed or implied by the employee. Grievance when expressed are easy to recognize and to solve. Implied grievance can be identified by daydreaming, absentiseem, and so on. 4. Dissatisfaction may be valid, imaginary etc. When a particular grievance is identified by an organization, they cannot ignore it even if it is imaginary. They need to find out solutions to manage the issue. 5. A grievance is occurred on nonfulfillment of ones expectations from the working organizations. 6. In an organization when an employee feels that injustice is been done to him, grievance arises 7. If the grievance is not solved on time, it will result to lower morale of the employee and also effect the productivity. 8. In the beginning the employee may complain in writing or orally communicate with others. If prompt action is not taken up, the employees may have injustice feelings arising in the minds and this will develop into grievance in later
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