Importance Of Customer Service In Food And Beverage Industry

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“Ask your customer to be part of the solution and don’t view them as part of the problem.” Alan Weiss spoke these words in 2012 at a business meeting. Customer service is defined as the assistance and advice provided by a company to those people who buy or use its product or services. Customer service in the food and beverage industry is crucial. The food and beverage industry is usually defined by its output of products, to satisfy the various demands of food and drink of people. The basic function of this industry is to serve food and drink to people to satisfy their various type of needs. To satisfy a customer with good customer service is to satisfy their physiological needs, economic needs and psychological needs. Without satisfying these need you won’t deliver good customer service and will cause dissatisfaction to customers. Quality service is an experience of feeling valued or heard. Sometimes it’s an intangible component of why a guest may prefer one hospitality provider than another. There is something about quality customer service that you often can’t put your finger on but you know it’s there and it is a very vertical factor for food and beverage success, both as a mean of satisfying ever increasing customer expectations and as a way to achieve business profitability.…show more content…
Food and beverage customer service within the hotel industry is very decisive. Reason for choosing the hotel industry is that more people are looking for good customer service in the hotel industry than even in normal restaurants because hotel makes hundreds of thousands per day so they should always have good customer service and value their customers. Reason for not choosing small business or enterprises is because there is a limitation their ant much to talk about because people cannot live without some sort of fast food but people can live without eating from a hotel or going to their

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