Importance Of Child Labour

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kim (6.26%). The lowest in this category was Lakshadweep (0. 18%) Between 2001 and 1991 in term of absolute number, the category of main worker aged 5 – 14 years has increased considerably by 36.97%. However over the same period there has been a manifold increase of marginal workers aged 5 – 14 years (207.10%) The data of Censers 2001 regarding child labour and related indicator are provided in Annexure – I of Chapter – 2. A very useful study has been conducted on magnitude of child labour in India. And analysis of official sources of data by N.S.S.O. which have observed various factual observations and the report of them same have been analysed in the Annexure – III of Chapter which is important to obtain observation in child labour sector…show more content…
The world’s largest child labour elimination program is being implemented at the grass roots level in India, with primary education target for nearly 250 million. In this a large number of non – government and voluntary organizations are involved. Special investigation cells have been set up in states to enforce existing laws banning employment of children in hazardous industries. The allocation of the Government of India for the elimination of the child labour was $10 million in 1995-96 and $16 million in 1996-97 the allocation for the current year is $21 million. The international program on Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) has the world’s largest international initiative on Child Labour in India. The total outlay under this program is between 1992 and 1996 has been $4.15 million. India has all along followed a proactive policy in the matter of taking the problem of child Labour. India has also stood for constitution, statuary and development measures require to eliminate child labour. The Indian constitution has, consciously incorporated provisions to secure compulsory universal elementary education as well as Labour protection for children. Labour commission in India have gone into the problem for child Labour and have made extensive…show more content…
To fulfill of the commitment made at the World Summit, the Department of Woman and Child Development under the Ministry of Human Resource Development has formulated a National Plan of Action for children. Most of the recommendations of the World Summit Action Plan are reflected in India’s National Plan of Action. India’s policy on child labour has evolved over the year against this backdrop and its present regime of laws relating to child labour has a pragmatic foundation, consistent with the International Labour Conference resolution of 1979. This ILO resolution calls fora combination of prohibitory measures and measures for humanizing child labour, wherever such labour cannot be eliminated altogether in the short turn. It should also be mentioned that India is second to none in its commitment to and in the upholding of the core international labour standards such as freedom of association, collective bargaining, non - discrimination, etc. India is signatory to a record 36 ILO labour conventions. 2.5 The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation Act) 1956 India’s first act on child labour was the enactment of the children (Pledging of Labour) Act of February 1933. This was followed by the Employment of Children Act in 1938. Subsequently, twelve additional legislations were passed that progressively

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