Impact Of Reggae Music

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than a decade. The contribution of reggae to the British music scene began in the 50’s when Jamaican immigration to the U.K. was at an all-time high. In the 1960s British ska music had become extremely popular and ska artists like Millie Small took the number one spot on the British billboard charts. The first people who listened to ska were mainly skinheads, punks, and clubbers, which eventually helped the genre become popular on a more mainstream level and began to appeal to the whole community. When Reggae music started to hit the top charts in the UK in the late 1960s and early 1970s, that was the first time that Caribbean music had been played on the mainstream radio frequently. There was an increasing demand from the listeners and it…show more content…
By the end of 1970s people around the world were listening to reggae music due to the success of reggae in the commercial world and due to globalization. The Anti-nazi - the league was created by the social labour party, 1970 in order to combat acts of racism that were occurring at the time. The cooperation between the political scene and reggae music was noticeable. Politics and music went hand in hand by arranging reggae and punk concerts, promoting the new music trend and also helping to let the voices and culture of immigrants be heard. 1976 a new Race Relations Act was implemented in order to prevent discrimination. They brought the action in due to a large separation of society and tried making acts that were taking place due to racism…show more content…
Reggae music and Rastafarianism created a new cultural meaning. They helped to correct the imbalance within the UK. Furthermore, in the 1990s, reggae influenced and helped create many new music genres. for example, Jungle music, garage, drum-and-bass, dubstep and many more. Thanks to reggae, white and black teenagers from many different communities and social classes came together and mixed at concerts, in clubs and in many local bars. Famous artists and bands started to embrace the reggae style into their music, which leads to the creation a new audience bonding together in a spiritual, multiculturalist way. The high Increase in the number of Caribbean immigrants in the 1970’s, had brought many new debate topics, As well a culture and economic demand for the ethnic minority. Those new issues brought a shift towards multiculturalist policies and new approaches in the cases of immigration and integration in the United Kingdom. Multiculturalism started to happen around the 1970’s as a more positive approach, that helped in creating more equality for everyone regardless of race, social class or ethnic

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