Ignited Minds Book Review

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Book review (by Pankaj Kumar Dwivedi,IPS(CFC-47)) Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power Within India (by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam) 1. Purpose & Recommendation:- The purpose of writing the book in 2002 by the author, who is a great scientist & the missile man of India, is drawn as a logical corollary in order to motivate young minds and bringing the forces together to accomplish the vision outlined in the book of 1998 “India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium”. As a reviewer, the main purpose of writing the book is to motivate India’s people particularly Young minds, the greatest resource capable to transform India as a developed nation and a knowledge society in the World. As a reviewer, the book is a must for all young minds or youths to whom it is primarily addressed to and who can find the…show more content…
Only a united vision can ignite the young minds and bring them into action to transform India into a developed nation. The title “Ignited minds” is very powerful and captures the essence of the book and each subsequent chapter inspires and fires thoughts of motivation in the young minds to ponder upon. 3. Summary/Body:-The book is organised logically into nine chapters each dealing with a theme as under- 1. The Dreams and the Message:- The chapter emphasises that the self realisation as a nation and igniting the inner higher self as an individual mind is the ultimate goal. The radiance of such minds can bring peace, prosperity for the humanity & bliss to India as a nation. 2. Give Us a Role Model:- It emphasises the importance of mother, father and elementary school teachers as role models. 3. Visionary Teachers and Scientists:- It peeks into the ancient and modern Indian visionaries like Aryabhata,J. R. D. Tata, Vikram Sarabhai, Satish Dhawan & Dr.Verghese Kurien emphasising how vision ignites the

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