I Stand Here Ironing By Tillie Olsen

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I Stand Here Ironing Point of View In first person point of view, the narrator is a character in the story, not just an outside observer. This requires them to use the pronoun “I” throughout the story. In ‘I Stand Here Ironing’, Tillie Olsen uses the first-person point of view to show the mother’s pain and regrets related to her daughter’s childhood. Readers can only see the main character’s (the mother’s) thoughts and feelings. They never get to see how the daughter is feeling or what she is thinking. If the author of the story chose to write in third person it would dramatically change the feeling of the story. The author could've chose to leave out important feelings that the mother has for her daughter. Right away we are drug into the narrator's life. “I was nineteen. It was the pre‐relief, pre‐WPA world of the depression. I would start running as soon as I got off the streetcar, running up the stairs,…show more content…
Readers could have gotten the daughter's side of the story. Maybe the daughter is upset and mad that her mother was never around. On the other hand, she could be completely okay with it. Maybe she would have liked being more independent and without her mother. Readers also would have gotten a different view of the mom. Instead of sympathy and compassion, the reader could feel hatred or disrespect for the mother. Another way the author could have changed it was to tell the story through an outside observer. The story could have been told through the person the mother is talking to. It might be a counselor, a teacher, or a psychiatrist.“I wish you would manage the time to come in and talk with me about your daughter. I’m sure you can help me understand her. She’s a youngster who needs help and whom I’m deeply interested in helping.” This person would have both the mother and the daughters perspectives. They would be able to show both sides of the

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