I Heard A Fly Buzz When I Died Figurative Language

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In the poem “I Heard a Fly Buzz-When I Died,” Author Emily Dickinson truly captures and builds up what it is like right before the final moments of death through universal themes like nature, religion, and other tools like imagery and figurative language. In everyday life a fly is insignificant, but Dickinson takes the aspect of a fly, which decomposes and eats dead material, and uses it as a metonomy for death. Not only that, the fly also represents the small things in life that take away from the more important things, in this case the subject of greater importance is God. “The Stillness in the Room/ Was like the Stillness in the Air-/Between the Heaves of Storm -.” This sentence uses a simile to compare the stillness in the room to the stillness between heaves of storm. The imagery portrays a very grief-stricken atmosphere, all her friends or family in the room waiting for the time to come. There is also a comparison with the storm, the storm is the death she ultimately faces, everything is still before a storm just like before death and then the destructiveness hits. “The Eyes around - had wrung them dry.” This sentence also further describes the feeling in the room, her loved ones crying so much they can not cry anymore.…show more content…
After she signs away everything she could sign away a fly interrupts. A deeper interpretation of the poem is that the fly kind of takes away from her focus on God because of its loud buzzing and persistence. In reality people let the little things take their attention away from what is important, in the poem it is God who should be the focus not the fly. But, the fly not only is a distraction but is also a symbol of

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