Faith And Religion In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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In the short story YOUNG GOODMAN BROWN, the author Nathaniel Hawthorne explores the theme of Faith and Religion. He uses the metaphor of a journey through the forest, at night, where Young Goodman Brown has to face his ideas of faith and beliefs, as well as his vision of good and evil. In YOUNG GOODMAN BROWN by Nathaniel Hawthorne the author uses symbolism to describe the character’s inner journey, questioning the moral and religious values that were inherited from his family.and molded into his being. The story takes place in Salem, city that is famous for the trial and condemnation of witches in 1962. This theme is very significant to the author, since the judge involved in the trials was his relative. Nathaniel Hawthorne was so influenced by this past fact, that he even changed his last name, in order to not seem so closely related to the massacre of the women. It is clear that themes like faith and religion molded him as an author taking into consideration that he is famous for writing the SCARLET LETTER; that also deals with sin and judgement.…show more content…
The character’s mood is closely related to the setting in which he is situated. Goodman Brown begins his journey toward the unknown at night. Darkness meaning mistery and the ability of not seeing clearly. He has to confront his ideas of good and evil, which are represented by the people that influenced his religious beliefs in life; like the Cathechism teacher and his wife Faith. His inner dialogue and thoughts are represented by a black mass of cloud where he hears the sound of familiar voices. At this point, he is confronted with the hypocrisy of the Puritans and the controversy of speech and acts of the “Faith related people in his
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