How To Tame A Wild Tongue Analysis

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The border fence created in eighteen forty-eight was where the Mexican culture was stripped and robbed of their identity and land. Anzaldúa born into all this madness is where she became lost in the Borderlands struggling to juggle her multilayered background. Born into a dreadful situation brought Anzaldúa so much pain and heartache. What does she do? Does she let the events make her or break her! She uses the pain to construct a new mestiza consciousness by accepting pain, learning to juggle both cultures she distinguishes with, and using pain to heal and communicate struggles. In addition to other authors connect to Anzaldúa’s thematic. “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” imparts the significance of one’s language and how language shapes a personal…show more content…
Wilchins faced the same issues Anzaldúa faced where she had a troublesome time fitting into America’s society, due to her gender queerness. “Feeling like a woman trapped in a man’s body” she was always looked at different from being dressed as a man, yet having breast. Being judge with one’s eyes is powerful because it causes self-conscious issues and thoughts that make an individual question where they stand in society. For instance, Anzaldúa feared going back home and not being accepted because of her sexuality. Anzaldúa attempted to conceal her secret sin to feel normal as opposed too abnormal and not be seen as the “other.” To transcend as a person and move pass the most difficult times of life, an individual needs to reach a Coatlicue State where they face the duality of life and death. By acknowledging the disappointments and painful experiences Anzaldúa is allowing herself to gain knowledge and become aware of who she is even though it is painful.” Coatlicue state brings together life and death, the battle of two dualisms much in the same way the Chicanos are trying to exist in the Borderlands, in between two worlds. Anzaldúa crossing over to the Coatlicue State is another method to cope with discrimination towards women of color, which was noted many times in the book. Anzaldúa was told to…show more content…
She was not able to live a normal childhood because of her hormonal imbalance. At the tender age of three she began menstruating. This made Anzaldúa bleed excessively, caused fevers, and tonsillitis. Not very far after she began to grow breast. Miles Carnal would have called her body grotesque. He characterized a grotesque body as something not completed and that is always changing. Grotesque bodies were also mentioned as being abnormal, distorted, and ugly, like the way Anzaldúa described the monstrous Goddesses. Anzaldúa discusses these abnormal components fundamentally portraying herself. Later on in life, Anzaldúa had to get a hysterectomy, which was another change that was done to her body. However, Anzaldúa accepted her abnormalities and felt that she was born queer which made her choice to be queer the right choice. Anzaldúa acceptance resembles Wendell’s acceptance to her bodily limitations. Wendell’s approach of adapting to pain helped reduce the unwanted stress that came with it because when Wendell accepted the pain, it reduced the pain and she was able to “relax into it.” Both Anzaldúa and Wendell were able to focus on other things and not let their pain victimize them. For instance, Anzaldúa had diabetes, where she used her diabetes to shape her identity and write about her identity formation. Anzaldúa used her diabetes pain as pain that was good which Bost references too. Her diabetes deals with the

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