How Rice Influenced Slavery In Early America

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Rice Influenced Slavery In 1700s, rice had become established as a major crop from the colonists. When America had gained independence in the year of 1776, rice had made its way to become one of America’s major agricultural businesses. According to Boundless, “In the approximate time of the 17th century, the planters from Barbados, accompanied by their African slaves, immigrated to South Carolina looking for arable lands. The planters were well aware that African slaves had skills and attributes well suited to the semi-tropical environment of South Carolina. Hence, South Carolinian planters imported Africans in large numbers” (Boundless). According to America rice, Inc., “The sprawling plantations of the Gulf Coast, parceled out to…show more content…
Slaves were transported to America by the colonists to work on the rice plantations, to supply cheap hand-labor. According to Boundless, “The planters relied on the expertise of their African slaves imported from the Rice Coast. For instance, enslaved Africans showed planters how to properly dyke the marshes, periodically flood the rice fields, and implement sweet grass baskets for milling the rice quicker than wooden paddles. These innovations increased cultivation efficiency and profitability” (Boundless). The impact of rice plantation from the slaves are being increased from using different working instruments. With improvements, rice was made faster, and more people migrated to America. They sold more slaves to slaveholders to work in the rice plantation in South Carolina, which increased the population growth that made people move westward in the United States. Also, many Georgians became aware of the possibilities from the slave trade and rice plantation. Peter A. Coclanis claims that “In 1750 the ban on slavery in Georgia was repealed, and with the royal takeover of the colony in 1752, conditions finally became favorable for

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