How Revolutionary Was The Bauhaus

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The Bauhaus was revolutionary because it shed a new light on what can be considered an art form from the traditional sense of art, who can be considered an “artist” and was founded on the idea that it would bring craftsmanship and the artist together along with combining different disciplines of art and exploration. It was a new way to explore and express creativity. The building itself was very revolutionary because they made it in less than a year, which was not common in that time, and the building supplies they used were also uncommon and “new”. Much like the structures of our buildings today and is still considered to have that simple modern feel. The school was also intended to break down the barriers between the different art disciplines, specifically in theater, and architecture where they all come together. It started to mix engineering and art minds as well to create simple, efficient everyday things, and present it in a new way, along with design, which they…show more content…
For obvious reasons this was revolutionary, but what is interesting is they were stereotyped into taking weaving and pottery, which is still a dominant stereotype and assumption in today’s society. If we relate this to what we have been learning in class about the “object” of women in paintings and sexualization which only men painted, I also wonder the influence of art on society when women started sharing their ideas through art. This leads me into what the documentary was saying about “early expression of American ideas of household function.” The connection between the designs they had about kitchen items, design and women. If women hadn’t tried sculpture with metal in the school, would we still have the design and function of the household items we have today – more specifically if women were not allowed to attend Bauhaus, would there have been that exploration of design in that area and how would have effected us in society

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