How Does Wilfred Owen Use Emotive Language In The Soldiers

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The examination of The Poems ‘1914’, ’Survivors’ and ‘The Soldiers’ reveals that language is a powerful tool for creating meaning. Language can be used to express many deep emotions and thoughts using a variety of techniques. These emotions and thoughts are conveyed in these poems using language techniques which include metaphors, emotive language, repetition and alliteration. The composer’s use the power of language in their poems to effectively give the reader a deeper understanding of what he has written about which In this case is about the World War, the people who have experienced the effects of war and how it has affected them. In this case the poem ’1914’, Wilfred Owen says ‘The foul tornado, centered at Berlin’. This textual evidence amplifies the fact that the tornado is symbolizing the war as a tornado which destroys everything and kills people just like the war does. He has said this to impact the reader’s feelings and emotions and to create a sense of understanding of the effects of war and how the people that experiencing it were feeling. This successfully reveals that language is a powerful tool for creating meaning because he uses emotive language to tell us that the tornado symbolizes the effects of war which are death and destruction. An additional example is also found in the poem ‘1914’ Wilfred…show more content…
He also uses many language techniques to create meaning. He uses repetition, he keeps repeating the word ‘England’. This particular textual evidence emphasises the fact that the soldiers were very patriotic and they are happy about serving or even dying for their country. Its intended effect is to reinforce words and ideas and make them stand out because they are important, in this case it is the word ‘England’. This successfully reveals that language is a powerful tool for creating meaning because he uses repetition to inform the reader that the soldiers were very patriotic and honored

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