Norman Jewison's 1999 Biographical Film The Hurricane

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The transitions we encounter in our life will be challenging but can also present new perspectives on the self and the world around us. This idea is clearly explored in Norman Jewison’s 1999 biographical film “The Hurricane”. This film centres around the notorious African-American boxer “Hurricane Carter” who is confronted with a devastating imprisonment due to a corrupt society of racial prejudice. He is able to overcome these difficult situations through discarding his arrogance and integrating the experiences of his new reality. Carter’s initial reaction to his imprisonment is illustrated with close-up shots of his teary eyes which represents his strong desire for vengeance. This vengeance is what holds him back from transitioning into his new world as it causes numerous psychological effects such as fear and schizophrenia and ultimately intensifies his bitterness. A few scenes later, we are shown a high angle camera shot of Carter alone in his dark prison cell to detract him from who he used to be and also highlight his inability to adapt to his new environment. A panorama shot of the other inmates in the prison with Carter in the middle of the frame is also displayed, revealing his loss of identity and the damaging impacts initiated by the unfortunate events.…show more content…
To further highlight Carter’s path to recovery, numerous montage shots of him reading books and separating himself from violence are shown which eliminates his bloodthirsty and arrogant character. It is followed up with a scene of a conversation between Carter and a young character where he says, “Hate put me in prison. Love’s gonna bust me out.” This quote symbolises and emphasises his transformation as he rediscovers his true

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