How Does Nathaniel Hawthorne Use Romantic Elements In The Scarlet Letter

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Scarlet Letter Essay Throughout many centuries many different forms of writing has been created. Most of this new forms of writing come through specific eras in time. An example of this is the Romantic era, this era was around the 1800s. The birth of this era came Romanticism, a literary movement that focuses on the way of nature and personal beliefs. A great author who uses this technique is Nathaniel Hawthorne. One of Hawthorne’s most popular novels was The Scarlet Letter. The novel is set during Puritan times, time where everyone was expected to live a specific way. Hawthorne uses more of a Romanticism writing technique throughout the novel. This is shown in the characters, when they are, compared and contrasted with nature and its many qualities, the supernatural occurrences, and the state of individuality.…show more content…
For example, throughout The Scarlet Letter, most of the characters are compared and contrasted with nature and its many qualities. This is a great representation of Romanticism because one of the main purposes of Romanticism is the emphases of nature. Nature is compared and described in great detail throughout the novel. For example, Pearl, the daughter of the posted disposed person throughout the town, Hester Prynne. Hawthorne uses Pearl to describe the nature around her and the person that she is in the novel. This is shown when Pearl and Hester take a walk in the forest, “ Pearl resembled the brook, inasmuch as the current of her life gushed from a well-spring as mysterious, and had flowed through scenes shadowed as heavily with gloom”(Hawthorne 175). This quote shows that Pearl is being compared to the brook. Pearl is like the brook because her life is “heavily groom”. This is an example of Hawthorne using Romanticism to compare nature to

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