How Does Mr Jones Want To Change Roger

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One reason that Mrs. Jones wants to change Roger is that she used to be like him. She says, “You thought I was going to say, but I didn’t snatch people’s pocketbooks. Well, I wasn’t going to say that.’ Pause. Silence. ‘I have done things, too, which I would not tell you, son-neither tell God, if he didn’t already know” (pg. 39, lines 113-118). This shows that she used to do bad things just like Roger, and she wants to change him so that he won’t be like her when he grows up. Mrs. Jones knows that she doesn’t have a very good job, and she doesn’t want him to have a bad job, too. Overall, she wants to change him so he won’t grow up to be like her. Another reason that Mrs. Jones wants to help Roger is that she wants to wash his face, and wash away all of the bad things that. She says, “ ‘No’m,’ said the boy. ‘Then it will get washed this evening’” (pg. 36-37, lines 37-40). She, in a metaphorical way, wanted to “wash away” all of the bad things that he had done, and have him start over as a changed person. She wants to give him an opportunity to become a new person, and make him a changed person. This evidence shows that, she wanted to change him by washing away all the bad things that he had done.…show more content…
She says, “And next time, do not make the mistake of latching onto my pocketbook nor nobody else’s-because shoes come by devilish like that will burn your feet” (pg. 41, lines 152-155). She is just straight up telling him that he should not continue doing bad things, and that he should change. She is not even being subtle, she is just telling him that he should not be a thief. All in all, she brought him to her house to tell him that he should change, and stop doing bad

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