How Does Hamlet Dissatisfaction With His Father's Death

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The story of Hamlet is one of tragedy, and, even early in the play, the reality of death remains ever present. For Hamlet, the protagonist of the play, the recent events in his life have pushed him towards absolute depression. At the end of scene two, act one, Hamlet give a monologue sharing his grievance over his father’s death and his dissatisfaction with his mother’s marital situation. Early in the passage Shakespeare writes in the words of Hamlet, “Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew, Or that Everlasting had not fixed His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter.” In this surprising initial statement Hamlet questions why made suicide a sin. He employs the metaphor of a canon to espouse the ferocity of god’s perceived opposition. This early statement…show more content…
Hamlet exclaims, “So excellent a king that was to this, Hyperion to a satyr, so loving to my mother. This next group of lines reinforces Hamlet’s grief, but it also serves as a contrast to the new king and his mother’s fiancé. Such a contrast adequately compliments Hamlet’s next statement. Hamlet complains, “Like Niobe, all tears, why she- O God, a beast that wants discourse of reason Would have mourned longer! – married with my uncle… but no more like my father Than I to Hercules” In these line Hamlet solidifies his utter disdain for his mother’s choice to quickly remarry. His beloved father dies only two months prior. His mother’s decision also seems rather unethical to Hamlet as he suggests that his mother is even worse than a savage beast. In turn, Hamlet takes the opportunity to insult his uncle. He makes an analogy between himself and the famous Greek hero Hercules, and his uncle and father. In this instance the audience learns the true nature of hamlets disdain as he suggests his mother downgraded in agreeing to marry his uncle. Hamlet ends his speech with a foreboding statement, he declares, “It is not, nor it cannot come good. But break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue.” This statement is a fitting end to Hamlet’s monologue. While, its rhetoric effectively concludes his speed speech the meaning of his words foreshadow future events in the play. While this passage seems

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