How Does Gender Roles Affect Gender Identity?

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The psychological aspects of being female or male are defined as gender. There have long been certain behavioral characteristics that pertain to men and women in society; these are defined as gender roles. Furthermore, humans go through a process of identifying behavioral characteristics that pertain to a culture, otherwise known as gender typing, and through this, develop a sense of being either female or male, known as someone’s gender identity. Gender roles and gender identity play a big role in society and how many people function. Recently, there has been a relatively rapid rise in people bending these gender roles imposed on us; some even identifying outside of the gender binary. Researchers say that gender identity is both influenced by biological and environmental factors, although can’t come to a conclusion as to which one has the greater influence. There have been certain situations where a baby is born with ambiguous genitalia, intersex, and are surgically altered to appear as one sex. At times, that child comes to identify as the opposite sex; perplexing many as to why this happens. This is an issue…show more content…
Unlike primary sex characteristics that develop before birth and are directly involved in human reproduction, secondary sex characteristics develop during puberty and are indirectly involved in human reproduction. Some secondary sex characteristics are as listed: growth spurts in both sexes (occurring earlier in females than in males); more pronounced body hair in males and the opposite in females; widening of hips in females; enlarged breasts; deepening of voice in males; more overall fat tissue in females than in males; and the further growth and development of primary sex organs. All of these characteristics are usually involved in attracting the opposite and same-sex, allowing for reproduction to occur; some are necessary for reproduction to be

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