6/9/15 Anne Frank Research Paper The diary of Anne Frank starts on her birthday, June 12, 1942, when she turned 13 and received her diary. The diary ends shortly after her fifteenth. At the start of her diary, Anne describes her everyday experiences, writing about her friendships with other girls, her crushes on boys, and her academic performance at school. Anti-Semitic laws forced Jews into separate schools, Anne and her older sister, Margot, attended the Jewish Lyceum in Amsterdam. The Franks had
museums have undergone a shift from a “mere refreshment (the museum as carbonated beverage) to education (the museum as a site for informal learning) to nothing short of communal empowerment (the museum as an instrument for social change).” The power to drive social change is what both places museums in a position of power, and in a position to fight systemic power issues. By drawing the public in through tourist