How Does Albom Change In Tuesdays With Morie

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In Mitch Albom’s memoir Tuesdays with Morrie, the author reunites with his old college professor, Morrie Schwartz, and makes visits every Tuesday to discuss topics. Through those visits, he makes more meaningful changes within himself and his feelings about Morrie. Their estranged friendship starts to heal as Albom changes. By showing the development in feelings between himself and Morrie, the author can show the changes within Albom. The story first starts in a flashback to Albom’s college graduation, where Albom exchanges a tearful goodbye with Morrie. They separate and do not see each other for sixteen years, until Albom rediscovers his old professor and finds out Morrie is dying from ALS. The author has changed much from his old college…show more content…
They discuss life, family, death, and many other topics. Albom begins to reexamine his life through out the lessons. He stops working as much, and tries to live his life more meaningfully. He begins to understand Morrie better, and he becomes more comfortable around Morrie. They bond closer than ever, even though Morrie’s health is worse than ever. Morrie grows so weak that he cannot do simple tasks, like lifting his spoon or gesturing with his hands. Albom helps Morrie in his weak state, something he would not have done at the beginning of the book as he doesn't feel as comfortable with Morrie. The author begins to act more purposeful, and determines to do the things he should have done earlier. When Morrie dies, Albom writes down their weekly meetings into this book. Albom ends the book with him standing in front of Morrie’s grave on a Tuesday. By showing his own change in feelings, the author shows the reader the changes within himself. He contrasts his behavior at the beginning of the novel to the end. Because of the changes he has made in his life, he changes his feelings towards Morrie. Albom helps the reader to experience an authentic effect Morrie’s lessons

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