How Did World War 1 Affect The Economy

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World War 1 which lasted from July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918. The USA entered the war for a large variety of reasons, many economical reasons for The war had lasting effects on the USA, as it changed people's lives socially and economically with particular focus on women and minorities. The key change on post-war USA was their foreign policy and the wish to return to isolationism. The American public refused to to join the League of Nations, despite how much Woodrow Wilson wanted. He attended the peace conference in Paris in 1919 and was so determined for a long lasting settlement that he threatened his health which resulted in two early strokes, he became incapacitated on the 3rd of August. The USA had a long standing commitment to avoid becoming involved in overseas affairs and conflicts. Many members of Congress were concerned with becoming controlled by the British and French; they did not want to be apart of their imperialism. Wilson made other grave mistakes which blocked the the USA from entering the…show more content…
This is also a very non - European view, showing the length that that they distancing themselves, The 18th amendment was passed which banned the manufacture and sale of alcohol and 27 states had already passed prohibition measures by 1917. There many reasons for the introduction of Prohibition, as alcohol was made the scapegoat for many economic and social evils. It gained support from big businesses and women’s groups who viewed as the cause of abusive male behaviour and campaigned for it to be abolished. Evidently many religious groups though of it as immoral and associated it with the devil. The government had thought of it as beneficial towards the soldiers during World War 1, as they had not been allowed to drink and seen as the most effective soldiers. The national experiment with Prohibition, then, was another effect of World War

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