How Did Thomas Cromwell Influence Parliament Relations
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Although, Thomas Cromwell was a central figure in changing Crown Parliament relations, there were also other people and individuals who brought the influence into Crown Parliament relations. In order to answer the question it is crucial to consider various characters and the consequences of their actions, the contribution of Thomas Cromwell (if there was the imprint of Cromwell then how did Cromwell influence Crown Parliament relations) as well as to understand did the relations were changed at all or did it stay as it was before. At first place, Cromwell was King’s servant and adviser which gave him the authority to impose his will on the administration. According to Alan G.R. Smith « there is no doubt that the restructured government which…show more content… Reformation Parliament emerged because of the various factors surrounding the Great Matter. Initially it was called in order to get rid of Wolsey and discredit him. However, once the momentum was built there was no chance to stop, thus it led to unattended consequences. According to Gohn Guy « Parliament was an essential aspect of English government» whose nature was to grand taxes and to be involved in legislative process. Nevertheless, once the Parliament was asked by the King to deal with something, it lost its independence by doing what the King asked them to do. Reformation Parliament is the crucial moment when we stepping in the debate wether Reformation Parliament changed the relations between Crown Parliament or not. Most of the statutes especially the Act of Appeales owed much to Cromwel’s drafting and revision. That is necessary to understand what did actually Cromwell did and was he the architecture of the Reformation that in consequences changed the relations between Crown and Parliament. Elton argues that it was only after Cromwell became the king’s chief adviser that a way was found of translating Henry’s wishes. Nevertheless, Scarisbrick sees Henry in the command of the situation throughout. Therefore Cromwell for him was the «executant of the king’s designs» that brought to power to carry out different plans which Henry had already